Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ provides engineering services in the area of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics applied in the design and engineering of heat transfer equipment and spent fuel storage systems for nuclear power plants. Activities include accident and safety analysis, system transients, system simulation for performance evaluation, steam cycle analysis and optimization, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A short list of fluid mechanics and heat transfer work routinely performed by our experts is provided below:
- Accident and Safety Analysis
- Containment and sub-compartment pressure-temperature analysis
- Engineered safety features performance evaluation
- High energy line break (HELB)
- Aircraft crash fire analysis
- Spent Fuel Pool Thermal Analysis
- Thermal and Fluid Transients
- Water/steam hammer analysis and mitigation
- Transient loads on piping and supports
- Systems with flashing fluids
- Thermal transients Equipment qualification – thermal lag analysis
- System Performance Evaluation
- Flow balance in piping networks with heat transfer
- Thermal performance of heat exchangers, air-coolers, chillers, etc.
- Computer simulation of thermal/fluid systems
- Plant cooling water and chilled water systems
- Power Conversion Systems
- Steam cycle, gas turbine and combined cycle analysis
- Performance evaluation of components: heat exchangers, condensers, heaters, moisture separators, drain tanks, etc.
- Field Testing
- Performance evaluation and trouble shooting for components: pumps, heat exchangers, etc.
- System thermal/hydraulic performance evaluation for benchmarking computer models
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Thermal hydraulic modeling of systems and components
- Process simulation
- Flow Induced Tube Vibration Analysis
- Nuclear Waste Storage
- High density wet storage racks
- Dry spent fuel storage and transport casks