Civil Construction forms the fourth critical rung in Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ Power Division, LLC’s ladder of vertically-integrated supply of goods and services to its clients. The rungs in the ladder that lead to the plateau of absolute client satisfaction are as follows:

Purpose-Focused Design Development

Securing Licenses and Permits


Civil Construction


Site Services

A major area of focus for the Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ Power Division is nuclear-pedigree high-consequence site construction. Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ Power Division has a long resume of successfully completed Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) pads that support closely-spaced massive casks with reinforced concrete.

The ISFSI pads must be built to nuclear quality assurance standards and must meet a narrow band of 28-day compressive strength. To meet such exacting requirements, Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ Power Division’s Civil Construction Group maintains an array of operating procedures backed by a rigorous training program. 

Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ Power Division’s Civil Construction Group maintains experienced degreed engineers, skilled in civil design and field construction work. The Group is led by Vice President Michael McNamara and his able deputy, Mr. Paul Thomas. On average, the group manages three-to-five global construction projects per year; the most recently completed project is the world’s largest used fuel project at Chernobyl.