On June 10, 2019, Â×ÀíÈý¼¶, Energoatom and SSTC entered into a Trilateral Consortium Partnership to advance the SMR-300 nuclear reactor for deployment across Ukraine. The Consortium’s technology operation center is based in Kiev, Ukraine.
The purpose of the Consortium will be achieved through consistent completion of the following tasks:
Task 1. Analysis of regulatory documentation used in the development of SMR-300 power unit concept design.
Task 2. Analysis of the concept design of an NPP with SMR-300 power units.
Task 3. Development of input data needed for a Feasibility Study.
Task 4. Assessment of the SMR-300 design for its compliance with general and technical criteria using IAEA NP-T-1.10 methodology for assessment of nuclear reactor technologies.
Task 5. Preparation of documents to support decision-making at the national level regarding deployment of SMR-300 reactor technology in Ukraine.Â
For more information regarding SMR-300 modular reactors technology, .
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