We are a committed equal opportunity employer. The recruitment and retention of our associates is guided purely by their professional competence and human qualities, such as collaborative and amiable approach to work, absence of bigotry and haughtiness, diehard honesty and professional transparency. (Â×ÀíÈý¼¶ personnel, regardless of their rank, are referred to as associates, not employees.)

Our company also believes that it has an obligation to the society to do its best to help ameliorate the lives of the least fortunate amongst us. This commitment to social weal led us to be the first company to respond to NJ’s call in 2014 to help revitalize the city of Camden supported by a long-term tax credit. Soon thereafter in 2017, we inaugurated a 52-acre major Technology Campus in Camden which has often been called America’s poorest city.   Today, Camden residents, who have suffered from chronic unemployment  and hereditary poverty, make a dignified living at our Campus (see an aerial view below). In 2018, we became one of the first industrial companies in the mid-Atlantic region to adopt $15 per hour as the minimum wage. 

In summary, our business ethos is to seek meritorious individuals, regardless of the color of their skin, ethnicity or religious belief, who share our worldview of equal opportunity and equality for all. We abhor bigotry and stand firm against institutionalized prejudice in all of its ugly forms. We are an equal opportunity employer.